

Transform yourself and live in balance

(3 valoraciones de clientes)


Living in balance and being positive are the antidotes to any illness.
Food nourishes your blood, your blood nourishes all your organs, and your thoughts and feelings are as healthy as your nutrition. Rebecca Solano
In Transform Yourself and Live in Balance, Rebecca Solano shares her more than ten years of experience helping people get healthy and reach their goal weight, people with all kinds of illnesses, in particular being overweight or morbidly obese. These illnesses compromise vital systems, creating cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, high blood pressure, problems related to the digestive and nervous systems, among others.
You will discover how simple it is to restore your organism, eliminate physical and emotional excess weight, detoxify and truly nourish it, the importance of digestion, and how to combine foods to avoid indigestion or inflammation.
Rebecca Solano includes her famous ABC’s that will transform your life as well her recipes for delicious smoothies, power juices, fermented foods, and vegetable milks. These easy recipes will energize and reactivate your organism. She also guides you through a natural liver and gallbladder detoxification which will restore your health immediately by ensuring that your systems are functioning as well as possible.
Transform Yourself and Live in Balance is the bible by which to reset your organism and that of the people you love and who love you because when you are healthy, you can achieve anything you want.
Rebecca Solano is certified in Natural Health and Living Foods Lifestyle by Ann Wigmore, she is the producer of TRANSFÓRMATE Y VIVE EN EQUILIBRIO (Transform Yourself and Live in Balance), two very successful television programs that have changed the lives of millions of people by emphasizing a healthy lifestyle and promoting eating and drinking 100% natural foods.

SKU: N/D Categorías: , Etiqueta: ISBN: 9788417073619


Rebecca Solano

Rebecca Solano estudió Mercadotecnia y Diseño de modas, está certificada como coach en Natural Health & Living Food por Ann Wigmore Institute en Puerto Rico y en comida cruda por The Raw Food Institute en Simsbury, CT. Activista social, está comprometida en promover los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA) para hacer conciencia sobre estas enfermedades, su pasión es comprobar día con día como se mejoran radicalmente la salud, el sobrepeso físico y el sobrepeso emocional aprendiendo a desintoxicar y nutrir el cuerpo con alimentos naturales. Rebecca es Fundadora y CEO de Petrarosa Productions, productora de Transfórmate primer reality en Latinoamérica sobre cirugías bariátricas, plásticas reconstructivas y maxilofaciales, éste apoyó a cientos de personas a mejorar su vida, es productora y presentadora de Vive en Equilibrio, programa de tv para Televisa que creó para que el movimiento saludable llegue a mas personas y así puedan cambiar poco a poco su estilo de vida para mejorar su salud.


Rebecca — a woman who firmly believes in helping people change so that they may live better and in harmony — writes in a very accessible way about her experience and knowledge, allowing any person to transform themselves and live in balance. I am certain that for anyone who reads it, this book will bring the gift of life.
Leopoldo Garza Adame | Chairman WPP Mexico

The goal of this fascinating work that Rebecca offers the reader is so much more than simply recommending a new and revolutionary diet. It is a practical guide to becoming the best version of yourself, f illed with the love with which Rebecca does everything she does, with the sole intention of transforming her environment in order to create a better world.
Alfredo Bataller | CEO de SHA Wellness Clinic

Rebecca is a different kind of woman, capable of changing her life and that of those of us who surround her. Improving or helping ourselves is a personal matter, but this book guides us toward a better life and an improved psychological and emotional state. I hope you enjoy it and find it is as useful as I did.
Alejandro Carlín | Fashion Designer

I am certain that life presents us with the people we need just when we need them the most. That is how Rebecca came into my life and now, thanks to her and this wonderful book, I have learned how to breathe, chew, and eat in a balanced way; such basic things, but so necessary to a long and healthy life.
Brenda Díaz de la Vega | Fashion Expert; Co-Founder and CEO of Büro 24/7 Mexico and Latin America

Rebecca has written a simple and clear guide that will surprise you and provide the perfect tools to connect with real food and the lifestyle you are seeking.
Guadalupe Latapí | Founder of Aires del Campo

There is no doubt that this book leads you turn wellbeing into a clear opportunity to live in balance. The transformation depends only on you.
Lina Holtzman Warszawsky | Director of the magazine Glow

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3 valoraciones en Transform yourself and live in balance

  1. Celia Fernandez

    I love it!

  2. Kindle Customer

    Great book very complete full of information.

  3. Sonal Bansal

    Great product

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